Pursuant to the Charter of Vietnam Trade Union Session XI and Instruction No. 238 / HD-TLĐ of March 4, 2014 of the Presidium of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor on the guidance of the implementation of the Vietnam Trade Union Regulation; implementing the plan No. 23 / KH-LDĐLD dated February 27, 2017 of the Executive Committee of the Labor Union of Long Bien district on organizing the Congress, the Conference of the grassroots Union towards the 1st Long Bien District Union of Labor IV, term 2018 – 2023; On July 22, 2017, the Union of Airtech The Long Joint Stock Company organized the First Union Congress for the term 2017-2022.
Attending the meeting were the presence of the Board of Directors of the Company and all 40 employees of Trade Union of 2 blocks Office and Factory.
At the Congress, Chairman of Trade Union – Mr. Nguyen Cao Cuong presented the Summary Report of Trade Union activities for the Company term (2016-2017), approved the term of the Union’s term of operation (2017-2022) and elected the Board to implement the trade union for the term 2017-2022. The Congress also organized discussions and contributed ideas to the draft of the Fourth Long Bien District Trade Union Document, the term 2018 – 2023 and the amended Trade Union Regulation of Vietnam; elected Delegates representing the intentions and aspirations of union members of Airtech The Long Joint Stock Company to attend the Long Bien District Trade Union Congress, the 4th term, term 2018 – 2023.
The congress recognized, During the last term, under the direct guidance of the Long Bien District Labor Federation, the leadership of Airtech The Long Joint Stock Company, union activities Airtech The Long Joint Stock Company has always maintained stability and development, the emulation movements are organized extensively, bringing clear efficiency, affirming the pioneering role in all fields and in particular, the Company’s trade union has made an important contribution to the Company’s development in recent periods.
Speaking at the Meeting: Mr. Nguyen Khac Long – Chairman of the Board of Directors, General Director of Airtech The Long Joint Stock Company highly appreciated and praised the efforts, results, achievements that the Trade Union The company has achieved in the past term, and directed the Union of Airtech The Long Company for the term of 2017-2022 to pay attention to ensuring employment, stable income and labor safety for union members, at the same time encourage Executive Committee members strive to perform well the functions, roles, protect the legitimate rights and interests of workers, encourage trade union members to actively participate in emulation movements in production and trade Other social movements.
The Trade Union members vote for the Second Union Executive Committee
With the spirit of urgency, seriousness and democracy, the Congress approved the summary report of union work for the 2016-2017 term, discussing and agreeing on the objectives and directions of the mission for the 2017-2022 term. . The Congress voted the Executive Committee of Trade Union Course II, term 2017-2022 including 5 comrades:
- Mr. Nguyen Cao Cuong – Chairman of Trade Union.
- Ms. Nguyen Thi Tam – Vice Chairman of Trade Union.
- Mr. Bui Van Hiep – Member of Union Executive Committee.
- Mr. Nguyen Van Nhan – Member of Union Executive Committee.
- Ms. Pham Thu Huyen – Member of Union Executive Committee.
The whole union members “The Union of Airtech The Long Joint Stock Company unites, innovates, is dynamic and creative for the legitimate and legitimate rights and interests of laborers, building a strong trade union organization, contributing to building Airtech The Long Development Joint Stock Company is growing day by day’’, along with the attention and direction of the Company’s Union as well as the coordination and creation of professional conditions for the union members of Trade Union of Airtech Joint Stock Company. The Long is determined to successfully implement the Resolution of the Second Union Congress, the term of 2017-2022.