Thelong Airtech Joint Stock Company 1st Football Cup

With the aim to create a healthy and lively playfield as well as to deepen the relationship between Thelong members, last Saturday (July 29th), Thelong Airtech Joint Stock Company held a friendly match between staffs on a mini football field in the urban area named Dang xa.


The match was held between the office team and the Hung Yen factory team was heated right from the beginning until the referee gave a whistle to end the game. The president also participated and left a mark by scoring a goal for the office team. The final score was 7-6 and the victory went to the Hung Yen factory team.

Aftermath of the game:

Player Hiep from the factory team said: “I am glad to be able to participate in such a meaningful activity. After stressful days at work we finally have a chance to train our bodies and bond with our colleagues. I hope the Union will organize more matches like this for us staffs”.

Thelong Airtech 1st football cup had ended successfully and left the participants with unforgettable memories. See you at the next cup.



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