Weekly cultural and sport activities of Airtech The Long

The olders have the phrase “Health is everything” – With the aim of training and improving health, sports also helps members tighten solidarity, improve team spirit and team spirit to help each other at work better.

So after every week of hard work in the office as well as the factory, the production staff as well as the office hold a football exchange. The kicking session was not only for the players but also for the beautiful and funny fans who were ready to give their all to cheer for their favorite members 🙂


Throughout the years sports activities have always received a lot of attention from company leaders, especially from Trade Union Organization – There have always been timely mental and physical encouragement for the team.

After every football match, there is a happy story without head, a bucket of ice tea, or a cool beer table, every distance seems to be gone, the energy is filled to serve for a new effective week of work.

Let’s see the sports movement of The Long group:

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